Ghosts Don’t Exist, Crawler, Ninjas vs You Podcast, and other cool stuff.
0 Comments Published April 7th, 2011 in At The Movies, Current News and Events, Interviews, Movie Post-Production Articles, Smash or Trash TVHello everyone! I have been out of the picture for a little bit, so here is an update. First up, I have a brand new movie review up for an indie horror film called GHOSTS DON’T EXIST. This was a pretty decent ghost story (shot in the DC area) and I think you will enjoy it; I’d urge you to at least give it a rental. Also our new resident reviewer – Judy Furlow – has received her screener copies and will be getting us new reviews soon. The first one will be Lee Doll’s THE FIXER. Check back for that.
Smash or Trash correspondent Leanna Chamish clued me in on a really cool podcast called NINJAS VS YOU. This podcast is hosted by director Justin Timpane. On the premiere show he has actor Daniel Ross on and they talk about their beginnings on the set of CRAWLER, and the debt that they owe to both partners of Timewarp Films; Joe Ripple and Don Dohler. This is a very sincere discussion about how these two men inspired Timpane and Ross to make their own movies. Also, they have a very fun and intelligent discussion about why they have NOT moved to Hollywood, but have instead pursued their passion for making films in Virginia – and have found success doing so. I strongly urge everyone to give this a listen.
And what about CRAWLER? It is moving forward! Visual effects artists Mitch Klein and Brian Anderson are meeting to start outlining the final post-production effects of this much anticipated indie film from Timewarp Films. More information as it becomes available.
SMASH OR TRASH TV: I got some good news from my friend and co-producer Frank Lama. He is getting the footage of the first episode digitized next week so we can turn over to editor Les Bradley. Two words – freakin’ fantastic! We shot it in February and here it is April, and it gets frustrating that it isn’t moving forward faster. What are you going to do? Real life comes first and both Frank and I have day jobs – you have to do what you have to do to keep the roof over your head, and the entertainment arts have to come 2nd. However this is good news, we have momentum and I am thrilled that this is all coming together! Stay tuned…
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