Archive for December, 2018


We here at Smash or Trash are saddened to hear of the passing of indie actress and model Syn DeVil. To learn more, please got to our tribute page HERE.

I’m a couple days late (due to work) but I didn’t forget about honoring Don Dohler. As of December 2nd, Don has been gone from us for 12 years. Taken from family, friends and fans far too soon, Don’s legacy lives on in his movies, his teachings, and his decency.

So let’s take a moment to say “Hi Don. We appreciate you and miss you.” Look over some articles in an old Cinemagic magazine. Watch one of his classic movies. Bask in the knowledge that he has helped make such movies as the Evil Dead and Dawn of the Dead possible. Know that he started the career of J.J. Abrams.

Rest In Peace, Don. Thank you for everything.

A belated happy birthday to friend of the site – the incredibly talented actor David Howard Thornton. He of course is the star of the movie TERRIFIER (playing Art the Clown). He is also superb as the Joker in a web series. He celebrated his birthday November 30th and we wish him the best!

I’ve actually posted two new reviews! The first being James Ian Mair’s THE MAKER OF MONSTERS. It stars genre legends George Stover and Leanna Chamish. The movie is along the lines of the 1957 film THE UNEARTHLY. You can find out what I thought about it HERE. 

Also I have given an indepthed report on Kevin Kangas’ new movie TERRORTORY II. The sequel is even better than the first installment! Find out all the details HERE.

Due to a recent move and a change in jobs there hasn’t been time to do much lately. However things are settling down and I have big plans for the site in 2019. Stay tuned…