Contests! Archive
0 Comments Published June 15th, 2014 in At The Movies, Contests!, Current News and EventsCount Gore De Vol is showing a really cool movie short called BRIDE OF THE FLY by Russell U. Richards. It’s an excellent sci/fi horror comedy piece, and was done on Super 8mm film! Beyond that – all the effects are practical and there is no CGI. Richards took all the lessons he learned from Don Dohler‘s CINEMAGIC magazine to create and produce this film. Check it out HERE.
We had over 300 entries for the WNUF: HALLOWEEN SPECIAL DVD giveaway, and Adam Krause of Green Bay, WI is the winner! His copy of this great movie will be going out this week. Be looking for a new giveaway SOON!
We have new reviews! Guest reviewer Hugh Robertson gives us the low down on the kung fu action comedy ORDER OF ONE: KUNG FU KILLING SPREE. You can check out his review HERE.
I took on Joe Sherlock’s latest shocker called THE DRIFTER. I describe it as creepy and claustrophobic. Check out what I have to say about it HERE.
New York Dohlerites Nick Console and Jon Cross have been working on some in-depth reviews for Timewarp Films VAMPIRE SISTERS and DEAD HUNT, and I have started to get those rolling in! Can’t wait to post it. While we are waiting I would STRONGLY urge you to check out the numerous podcasts that Jon hosts and co-hosts. Besides being a devoted Don Dohler fan, Jon is both parts passionate and hilariously funny while he and his co-hosts and guests talk about B Movies, Action Movies, Independent Movies, Blockbusters, Comic Book Movies and damn near everything else under the sun. Check out this link, get to know Jon and check out his podcasts. You will not be disappointed! Click HERE to learn more!
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Call Girl of Cthulhu is a Winner! George and LaMartina Have Done It Again!
0 Comments Published May 18th, 2014 in Contests!, Current News and Events
Well producer Jimmy George and director Chris LaMartina have done it again! Call Girl of Cthulhu premiered this week at the prestigious Maryland Film Festival. Two nights of sold out crowds told of the success of their latest venture. The first evening there was a Q&A with the cast and crew after the initial showing. What’s next for this independent Dynamic Duo? Well, I can say for LaMartina that he met and fell in love with his leading lady – Melissa O’Brien – and the two plan to get married soon. No word yet on when we will see a release for this movie.
Oh! I suppose I should say something about what the film is about! As I was unable to attend the premiere, I can only give you the basic premise. A lonely artist meets and falls in love with a call girl. While that’s a big enough complication in his life, it also turns out that this girl has been marked as being given over tho the God Cthulhu. Hijinks and nudity and bloody gore ensue!
Pictured above is George and LaMartina are fielding questions before the showing of Call Girl of Cthulhu. Photo by Leanna Chamish.
Cast members Helenmary Ball, Paul Fahrenkopf, Leanna Chamish and George Stover were in attendance. Photo by Les Bradley.
To celebrate the success of Call Girl of Cthulhu, Smash or Trash is giving away a copy of LaMartina and George’s previous blockbuster WNUF HALLOWEEN SPECIAL. It is a found footage film about a live news broadcast in a haunted house that goes horribly, horribly wrong. To win a copy of this movie, write in to with your full name and address and say “I want my Halloween special!” A winner will be drawn on June 15th. Don’t delay, enter today!
Also in the news is that I have updated the review for the horror/comedy SWARM OF THE SNAKEHEAD. I was sent the recut version and boy – does it play a lot better and is a lot more fun! Check out the revised review HERE and watch this site – because in the near future I will be a guest on THE AFTER MOVIE DINER talking to Jon Cross about this movie!
Speaking of Jon Cross, he and Nick Console (part of the New York Dohlerites) will be featured here soon on their reviews of the Timewarp Film’s productions of VAMPIRE SISTERS and DEAD HUNT. Stay tuned…
And I will leave you with this: I haven’t talked about my own upcoming productions or have done updates for a very, very good reason. Mitch Klein and I have been really hard at work on the post-production of CRAWLER – Don Dohler and Joe Ripple’s last movie to be released. As I type this I am over at Mitch’s house watching him continue to work on the creature sequences and they look AMAZING. My jaw dropped when he showed me what he had been working on. All I can say is if you are a fan of these type of films you are going to LOVE THIS!
Until next time – stay creative!
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0 Comments Published October 1st, 2013 in About This Site, Contests!, Current News and Events, MADHOUSE MANORHello all you independent film enthusiasts!
This will be the last BIG Smash or Trash update for a while because I am MAKING A MOVIE! That’s right, I have been in the business 30 years and to celebrate I’m going into production on a movie for the first time in DECADES! Madhouse Manor! Smash or Trash will be reporting on is as it happens – so keep looking at this space! Now what has been happening?
Jim Wood – a huge Don Dohler fan – is having his own documentary done on his career as a front man for a band. A big part of this doc includes him meeting his indie film hero – Don Dohler! They are so close to meeting their kickstarter effort. So help independent filmmaker Paul Devlin make his goal! Check it out here!
Also, did you know that the incredible movie ROULETTE – by filmmaker Erik Kristopher Myers – is coming out on Blu-ray on October 22 and on DVD on November 19th? Well it is peeps! This is the movie that rocked the independent film world. Make sure you pick it up HERE.
I am extending the contest date on the Rise and Fall… in Love DVD/poster contest. Why? Because the BIG WORLD PREMIERE is coming for this movie! Lee Doll’s independent musical “Rise and Fall… in Love” premieres on Sunday October 13, 2013 at 3:00 pm at the Carroll Arts Center in Westminster, Maryland. Tickets are selling quicker than anticipated so please tell your friends, family, and Significant Others to purchase their tickets soon HERE – be there! And the drawing for the free DVD and poster will be done THAT DAY!!!
ALSO! Lee Doll Film Productions and JBH Video present: “READY FOR ACTION” Now in Pre-Production!
Other cast members include: Alexandra Hewett • Sam Lukowski • Alfred Guy • Kim Hoang • Wayne Shipley • Karl Hopf • Brendan Biondi • Avery Guy • Julius Bennett, Jr. • Gene Vincentt – We are still searching for a 10 year old girl for one day of filming. Contact for more info.
Filmmaker Joe Sherlock is on the mend from his car accident and had this to tell us: I am just about finished with my latest, DRIFTER. Some music and sound work and a few visual FX and it’ll be done. Here is the latest TRAILER and the Facebook page with lots of pics is HERE.

Winners, News, and MADHOUSE MANOR
0 Comments Published September 4th, 2013 in Contests!, Current News and Events, MADHOUSE MANORFilmmaker Joe Sherlock was our main winner (I never said filmmakers that have been interviewed here couldn’t enter the contests). That means Joe gets the Steven King book (courtesy of filmmaker Kevin Kangas) as well as two DVDs. Congrats to Joe!
So we are done with one giveaway and it’s time for another! What we have is Lee Doll’s RISE AND FALL… IN LOVE. This movie is probably one of the ONLY independently made musicals ever done. Part love story, part Monkees episode, and comes complete with thugs and space aliens. It stars Louanna Lee and the members of the band CLEAR FOR TAKEOFF. So for the month of September, the giveaway courtesy of filmmaker Lee Doll is one copy of the DVD (loaded with extras) and a RISE AND FALL poster. Just send your name and address into and I will put you in for the drawing!
Also, there will be a World premiere of this musical :
“Rise and Fall…in Love” on Sunday October 13, 2013 at 3:00 pm at the Carroll Arts Center in Westminster, Maryland. Tickets are selling quicker than anticipated so please tell your friends, family, and Significant Others to purchase their tickets soon here:
Midnight Marquee Filmmakers Gary and Sue Svehla have been very busy on their independently done space opera Stellar Quasar and the Scrolls of Dadelia. Here is an email I got from Sue: “Thanks for asking about the movie. I’m about 3/4 of the way through editing and about 1/2 done with spfx. Mitch (Klein) is doing the ships, but I’m working on the rest… Also, our 4 hour documentary Midnight Madness is being retitled and released to big box stores and other retailers by Reality Entertainment, probably in October. Also being released is The Ed Wood Awards from Monster Rally, 1999, a documentary on Robert Wise and finally the Christopher Lee talk from Monster Rally, 1999. The complete over 1 and a half hour talk is being released.
Video Labs – my day time job in Rockville, MD – recently helped release on DVD a Time/Life documentary that was done way back in 1971. It was shown on television and deals with a gent by the name of Bob Waligunda. He flew his balloon named AMERICA from San Francisco to New York city. It is a really awesome documentary, and yours truly was honored with getting to design the DVD art. If this topic would be something your are interested in, you can pick up a copy HERE.
Lastly, I will be putting up a page about MADHOUSE MANOR, the horror movie I will be working on soon. There has been a lot of buzz about this movie and I can’t believe my good fortune – I have makeup people, stunt performers – and even one of the actors from the original MY BLOODY VALENTINE contacted me about it. Now that’s cool! But I am not going to place the cart before the horse; there is preproduction to do and funds to be raised. I will be making detailed updates to the MADHOUSE MANOR page, and I will be doing it often. Want to be an investor, want to try out for a part, want to be part of the crew? All information is coming soon. Stay tuned.

Crawling Along, Singing a Song…
0 Comments Published August 25th, 2013 in Contests!, Current News and Events
So, Mitch Klein and myself had a really good Crawler special effects work day these last couple of Saturdays. He was working on overcoming some hurdles on the creature itself (which he did) and I was finalizing some 36 visual effects shots I did for the film. It has been a couple of great weekends and the old enthusiasm was back. Problem solving and laughing was the rule of the day. There isn’t much I can say about when it will be done, but I can say that we are hard at work. Teamwork, enthusiasm and keeping each other inspired is what keeps people going. Plus, I know both Mitch and I are thankful for the support that we have been getting from folks on facebook lately. So, I hope we have have something in the near future to show (the creature is looking incredible – my illustration above doesn’t do it justice). Well below are some stills from the visual effects I’ve done for the film. I wish I could post more, but then we would be getting into spoiler territory. All hail the Don Dohler/Joe Ripple film!
Phillip J Cook – who gave us the critically acclaimed web series MALICE is looking to get Season 2 of the show into production. For those of you that have seen season one will remember that teenager Alice (Brittany Martz) had to fight the forces of the undead to save her family. Well Alice is ready to take on the forces of evil again and kick major ass. Cook has a Kickstarter campaign going on to raise the funds needed to get this season going! It has some great perks so give generously! Let’s make this happen!!!
Creative genius Matt Farley is on to his 4th or 5th professional motion picture endeavor called LOCAL LEGENDS. The movie traces the weird trip that it is trying to do independent horror movies and getting your product out there for the public to see. It is quirky, it’s fun and is done in the style of a Woody Allen black and white movie. I love it. The link HERE is the commentary track hosted by Matt Farley and podcaster Jon Cross (who appears in the movie). Both the movie with and wothout the commentary is available to view on Youtube and I STRONGLY urge all of you to check out this fun, insightful film.
Filmmaker Erik Kristopher Myers contacted me to tell me that his award-winning thriller ROULETTE will be coming out this November 19th. There will be a media event to go with this AND there will be word on Myer’s horror/comedy THE DEVIL’S PLAYTHINGS. Stay tuned for more information!
Our friend filmmaker Joe Sherlock was in a serious car accident recently. We here hope he is okay, and that all involve get a speedy recovery. Joe is also known as Dr. Squid and has been making movies for over a decade in the Oregon area. His latest is a slasher called the BLOOD CREEK WOODSMAN. We hope to hear more from Joe soon.
Lastly, my own script has been finished and registered I have been working on this story for years and can’t wait to get started on the production! More information coming very soon!
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August News plus giveaways!!!!
0 Comments Published August 11th, 2013 in About This Site, Contests!, Current News and Events
It’s giveaway time again!!! We have a couple of DVDs – Skeleton Key 3 by John Johnson Don’t Let the Riverbeast Get You (by Matt Farley and donated by Jon Cross) and a Stephen King book Dark Tower – The GunSlinger Born (donated by filmmaker Kevin Kangas). So if you are interested in getting one of these, send me your name and address to I’ll be doing a drawing for them at the end of August.
A sincere thank you to Les Bradley and Leanna Chamish of this great photo of me with Count Gore De Vol at the PHANTASM showing at the AFI Silver Theater. I was able to chat with John Dimes and movie reviewer Judy Furlow. Good times – good times.
Edward L Plumb’s new short film DEAD RECKONING will be at Mann’s Chinese Theater Saturday night – August 17th, at the MIDNIGHT MADNESS show. Midnight showing at Mann’s Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. Stars Marlene McCohen, Tim Thomerson, Robert Woods and Richard Hatch.
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0 Comments Published July 20th, 2013 in Contests!, Current News and EventsWhat, two posts in the same week? Well I have a moment to actually do some updating – so there is that. First up is Count Gore De Vol doing a big screen presentation of the movie PHANTASM at the AFI Silver Theatre in Silver Spring. Details are below!
Also the BlueCat Screenplay Competition is back in full swing. If you are an aspiring screenwriter, you will want to check this out!
2014 BlueCat Screenplay Competition Call for Screenplays
In the spirit of our commitment to the development of screenwriters worldwide, the BlueCat Screenplay Competition holds a longstanding tradition of giving written notes to every screenplay submitted. Each Feature screenplay entered receives two analyses, while each Short screenplay receives one.
All Screenplays submitted by August 1st will receive their feedback by September 1st. ($60 features, $40 shorts)
All screenplays entered by August 1st, 2013 will be automatically entered in our Movie Title Contest. Three winners will be determined by the votes of current 2014 BlueCat entrants and awarded $250 each.
Best Feature Screenplay $15,000 Grand Prize; Four Finalists $2500
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0 Comments Published October 6th, 2012 in Contests!, Current News and EventsNick Consol of Brooklyn, New York was the winner of Smash or Trash’s FIXER contest! This action/adventure movie stars Paul R. Sieber and Alfred Guy, and guest stars George Stover and Jennifer Rouse. Right now a copy of the DVD and poster are making their way up North from our headquarters. Our thanks to Lee Doll Film Productions for providing us with the prizes!
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0 Comments Published September 24th, 2012 in Contests!, Current News and EventsLee Doll Film Productions will once again be in the news. Monday October 1st, 2012 Jon Cross of THE AFTER MOVIE DINER. will be covering two independent movies; DON’T LET THE RIVER BEAST GET YOU and THE FIXER – POWER OF BALANCE. The 1st Fixer installment stars Brian St. August and Alfred Guy – fighting in the mean streets of Baltimore against a drug cartel. It also stars Victoria Gottlieb and Will Haza.
To coincide with this, Smash or Trash Independent Filmmaking will be giving away A brand new copy of the 2nd FIXER movie DANGEROUS DECEPTION – Starring Paul R. Sieber, Alfred Guy, George Stover and Jennifer Rouse. The rules are real simple; send us your name and address to and state “I want a chance to win the new FIXER movie!” Drawings will be held October 2nd for the winner. Start sending in those emails NOW!
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A Lot Going On
0 Comments Published July 1st, 2012 in At The Movies, Contests!, Current News and Events, Movie Production ArticlesLee Doll Film Productions’ DANGEROUS DECEPTION (starring Alfred Guy and Paul R. Sieber) gets a Smash or Trash review. You can read about it HERE. There will also be a giveaway of a DVD and poster from this movie on the site here very soon!
Recent birthdays! We had some late June birthdays and some upcoming July birthdays that deserve a shout out!
Filmmaker Mitch Klein (Left-June 30th) and actor George Stover (right July 3rd) also have celebrated recent birthdays. Both are super guys and great supporters of Smash or Trash. We wish them the happiest of birthdays!
Special thanks to Leanna Chamish for providing these photos (above). These were taken on location of Wayne Shipley’s new western DAY OF THE GUN. Some familiar faces could be seen in the crowd and this particular day of shooting revolved around and old-time baseball game. I’m looking forward to more updates about this!
CRAWLER UPDATE: The final timeline is in place and editing is in the works. What does this mean? This means while Mitch Klein concentrates on the visual effects, I have taken it upon myself to work on the credits, the editing, the audio, sound effects, and laying in the soundtrack by Justin Timpane. I showed a very, very rough cut of it to Mitch. We had a good laugh at my animatics (scenes in place for the real visual effects) but I got favorable feedback. Because of this I am tightening up everything. Progress folks – progress!
The Smash or Trash store now has a TON of new items available! The only place to get your official Don Dohler and George Stover items. Even better, part of the proceeds go to charity!!! The link to these great grabs is right HERE.
As of this evening, the horror web series MALICE only has 19 more days to reach their Kickstarter goal. YOU can help. Whether it is a dollar to 1000 dollars, you can become a backer to this incredible show. Click on this LINK, check out the show and the cool perks you can get. Then get off your fanny and back them. Remember – support independent productions!