Interviews Archive
Smash or Trash is hitting the Airwaves!
0 Comments Published January 31st, 2021 in Current News and Events, InterviewsIn 2020 – since we were all inside – I got the chance to guest on Youtube video chats as well as some indie film podcasts. Here are some links to the shows I was on.

An indie actors/filmmaker’s podcast – basically covers all aspects of the entertainment industry – had me on to talk about my days of working in Hollywood. Michael R. Barton hosted the show and we had a great time talking shop. You can check it all out here at Fowl Player Radio.
Randall Patty is the host of the Youtube channel Shop31, which among other things covers horror movies. We had a great time talking about my role in the WNUF Halloween Special (on Shudder) and we talk about our favorite movie serial killer – Art the Clown of Terrifier. This was a Skype call and I look like I work behind the counter of an adult book store.
I appear on the 3rd episode of Live In The Hearse vidcast over on Youtube. Hosted by the delightful Kerri Jackson, we talk about all things under the sun, Madhouse Manor, and she gets me to do my bad Angus Scrimm/Tall Man impersonation! Ho ho!
TERRIFIER Retrospective is LIVE!!!
0 Comments Published March 31st, 2018 in At The Movies, Current News and Events, InterviewsAfter months of exploding computers I have finally – FINALLY – finished the TERRIFIER trilogy for Smash or Trash. What that means it that the lengthly, in detail retrospective analysis of Damien Leone’s ALL HALLOWS EVE and TERRIFIER are live, as well as the special bonus of two fantastic interviews from actors David Howard Thornton and Jenna Kanell. Enjoy, share a link to the page and make sure to leave a comment!
Happy Anniversary Smash or Trash! 10 Years!!!
1 Comment Published March 1st, 2018 in About This Site, About This Site, At The Movies, Current News and Events, InterviewsToday Smash or Trash Independent Filmmaking celebrates it 10th Anniversary. Wow! What a fun roller coaster ride it has been! So many reviews and interviews of fantastic people in the indie film business. So many opportunities to be part of the independent film scene on both coasts! So many blessed experiences.
There are so many people to thank, that I really, really can’t name them here, cause I KNOW I will miss someone very important. I do want to thank my partners in crime Leanna Chamish and Mitch Klein, whom have helped me from the very beginning. Frank Lama for being an incredible producer and co host on the Smash or Trash television program. Les Bradley for his editing know how and friendship. I am very much in debt to these people. And for everyone else that has contributed to the website, you have my gratitude.
March has some great things in store for fans of indie films. I take an in-depth look into Damien Leone’s ALL HALLOW’S EVE and TERRIFIER. Plus I have some incredible interviews with two of the stars of TERRIFIER – David Howard Thornton and Jenna Kanell. Both are incredibly talented and super fun to talk to.
Also, I take a look at Joe Sherlock’s slasher THE BLOOD CREEK WOODSMAN. Joe has been a friend for years and it is great to see just how far he has come as a filmmaker.
Smash or Trash takes a look at Brad Twigg’s KILLER CAMPOUT as well. With tongue firmly in cheek, it’s a backwoods slasher romp with plenty of blood and some fun cameos from genre legends John Russo, Herschell Gorden Lewis and George Stover.
We also catch up with Lisa Mikitarian and how her LA screening of the indie comedy SPENT went.
And last but not least – with the weather getting nice again we go into overdrive with the upcoming filming of MY movie – MADHOUSE MANOR.
I am very proud that over the years on this site, we have branched out beyond the confines of just reviewing indie horror and sci fi. We have pushed that envelope and have covered indie dramas, rom coms, comedies, musicals and even westerns!
Here’s to another 10 years!
Robert Long
Smash or Trash Independent Filmmaking
Where Have I Been?
0 Comments Published November 4th, 2017 in Advice Column, Current News and Events, InterviewsWell, nice of me to show up after 10 months, eh? A lot has been happening actually. first off, I have been VERY ill in 2017. Diabetes. Then I got involved in the GALAXY INVADER bluray – almost done. Plus I have been trying – repeat – trying to get my damn movie project off the ground. All of this has lead to me having NO time to update the site. And so much has happened. So much to report. But, this is just a teaser to get the rust off the gears and back to my fans. Thanks for being patient all this time.
So to ease back into the picture, I give you a new web series presented by actors Brian St. August and Leanna Chamish. It’s THE ACTORS’ HOT TUB, and they discuss topics important to actors trying to land commercials, movies, or television parts. Give it a watch HERE!
Welcome back and I hope everyone had a great HALLOWEEN. More to come!
Spotlight on Filmmaker Dan Zachary
0 Comments Published April 19th, 2016 in Current News and Events, InterviewsWe catch up – video-wise – on the works of the very prolific independent filmmaker Dan Zachary. You can check out all the cool video clips HERE.
Robert Long Gets Interviewed on the Kate Show
0 Comments Published April 19th, 2016 in About This Site, About This Site, Current News and Events, Interviews, MADHOUSE MANOR, Smash or Trash TV
Robert Long – independent filmmaker and creator of Smash or Trash Independent Filmmaking was recently interviewed on the Kate Show – an East Coast talk show (as well as being a Lee Doll Production).
Kate talks to Rob about his career and such highlights as working in Hollywood, Bubba Ho Tep, The Fixer, The Adventures of Louanna Lee, and the films of Don Dohler. It’s a fun recap of a creative person’s body of work.
0 Comments Published March 9th, 2016 in Current News and Events, InterviewsHello one and all! We are back for an 8th big year here at Smash or Trash and I couldn’t be happier! My apologies for not getting more stuff up. Last year with losing the job really took it’s toll on me. This year I am trying to get a better job – but that’s not what is important here! What is important is that I get great new stuff up about indie filmmaking – right? Let’s get to it.
For this update I am tickled pink to find that veteran London/New York podcaster Jon Cross of The After Movie Diner has picked one of my favorite actresses of all time- Leanna Chamish – as one of the top women working in genre films. She is in great company with the likes of Jamie Lee Curtis, Debra Hill, Pam Grier, Barbara Crampton and many other talented women! You need to check this article out RIGHT NOW. Link to it can be found HERE.
0 Comments Published May 22nd, 2015 in At The Movies, Current News and Events, InterviewsEast Coast videographer/editor Jeff Herberger is interviewed by Grass Valley about editing the independent Western DAY OF THE GUN. To download this cool article in PDF form, click HERE.
We also do a review of the fun horror anthology film HI-8, released by Wild Eye Releasing. Made by eight different SOV veterans, this is a must watch. Check out the review HERE.
We Have HOMEMADE MOVIES and a Dustin McLean Interview!
0 Comments Published September 29th, 2014 in InterviewsGuest Movie Reviews are Up for July!
0 Comments Published July 5th, 2014 in At The Movies, Current News and Events, Interviews
Hey everyone! We get a bevy of wonderful guest reviews for the beginning of July! We are proud to welcome back the New York Dohlerites Jon Cross and Nick Consol. These gentlemen give us the low down on Timewarp Films’ VAMPIRE SISTERS and DEAD HUNT. You can check out what these excellent guys have to say right HERE.
We are also honored to have celebrity podcaster Jamie D. Jenkins on board to talk to us about her thoughts on the Chris LaMartina/Jimmy George found footage movie WNUF HALLOWEEN SPECIAL. You can check out her awesome review HERE.