Smash or Trash TV Archive

Crawler coming? Yes!

Hello, hello, hello. So, I have been doing updates. WHAT??? Yes, I’ve been busy doing indie film stuff. I’m as shocked as you are. So CRAWLER… Crawler is coming – finally. The lockdown has been a pain in the ass and distribution has become even harder as many companies are working at half staff. So hopefully in a few months CRAWLER with be released on DVD. Not sure about streaming yet. More details as things get finalized, but the gears are finally in motion. After 18 years, Timewarp Films sci fi/horror movie will be available to the public. Stars Justin Timpane, Daniel Ross, and Darla Albornoz. While it won’t have a commentary track, we hope to have some fun extras on the disc. Joe Ripple and Don Dohler’s final team effort. Stay tuned.

I’m doing trailer reactions now…

I have tried to have a MUCH bigger footprint on Youtube, by doing segments for Smash or Trash Indie Filmmaking and Madhouse Manor. I’ve probably posted 20 new videos in the past year. Go check them out and like and subscribe, and ring the bell, and leave a comment. I’m trying to build my brand. Thanks in advance.

John Cosentino’s PARAGON’S PARAGON

After 47 years, John Cosentino’s Star Trek fan film PARAGON’s PARAGON has been uploaded to Youtube. only 30 minutes of the 100 minute film, but it’s the most that has been seen of this production in decades. This film was featured heavily in Don Dohler’s Cinemagic Magazine, and is considered the holy grail of lost fan films. You can read about my restoration of the film HERE.

One of the FX shots for MONSTER PLANET

The last thing I’ll update on is that I’ve been doing some practical effects to help some friends finish their movie short MONSTER PLANET. Started in 1992, As the 30th anniversary of this is approaching, it’s time to get this sucker done! I plan to do a few videos on how I created the effects for this zero budget production in the future. The short stars Barry Murphy, Ann Frith, George Stover, Mitch Klein, Steve Rifkin and many, many others from the Baltimore area. – That’s all for now. Stay safe, and I hope to meet with some of you at some upcoming conventions. Take care.

Bad Movie Night discusses STAKES

What the bloody hell? I’m doing an update? Yes, 2020 was one hell of a bust for everyone. I did do some Youtube videos (more on that later). It is a new year, and we are going to get vaccinated, and we will get back to normal. So let’s get some independent film news out there! First off – as you can see above – the Bad Movie Night guys talk about Timewarp Films 2002 production STAKES. Produced by Don Dohler and directed by Joe Ripple, it is a story of two parallel worlds battling an army of Vampires. The movie stars genre legend George Stover as the ass kicking rogue priest and Scream Queen Leanna Chamish as the evil Vampire Queen. The Bad Movie Night dudes kind of take the piss out of the film from time to time in their review, but by the end they loved it and strongly recommend this indie cult flick. Check out the video. Just don’t check out any videos by Obscura Lupa. Her reviews are forced, unfunny and she has no talent.

Madman Majestro is on Youtube!

While I didn’t get a whole lot done on the website last year, my alter ego got videos made! Madman Majestro of the Madhouse Manor has been doing indie movie reviews on Youtube as well as hosting a Tuesday night KAST party where he shows cool genre movies and chats with his live audience. This video above is all about the cool friggin’ swag that can be gotten from the Madhouse Manor. Check it out!

Lil’ Maddy Majestro from superfan Tammy Bradburn

Speaking of Madman Majestro, I’ve been receiving some really cool gifts from fans! The first thing I got was a fun cartoon of Majestro from Director Chris LaMartina – it’s up on the fridge! Tammy Bradburn sent me a knitted voodoo plushie of myself, which is adorable. She also did an incredible horror-themed cross-stitch for me! Both will be on the show soon! Thanks everybody!

Fanex saluted the incredible Forry Ackerman

Prolific publishers Gary and Sue Svehla held a Fanex convention back in 2001 and saluted the legendary sci fi and horror icon – Forry Ackerman – at their awards ceremony. Fanzine publishers and editors from around the United States gathered to honor Forry for his lifetime of dedication to his craft. A ton of familiar faces tell tales out of school about everybody’s favorite “Ackerman.” The video is introduced by Leanna Chamish.

Actor/Writer Steve Rifkin

Fowl Players Radio gives Actor/Writer Steve Rifkin the VIP treatment in talking to him about his indie film career. Check out this fantastic interview!



Chris LaMartina and Jimmy George’s found footage movie WNUF HALLOWEEN SPECIAL has had a lot of youtube reviews done on it. I felt it was time to post a gaggle of them up on the site. The movie stars Paul Fahrenkopf, Leanna Chamish, Richard Cutting, Helenmary Ball, Brian St. August and Robert Long II. So click on this LINK and check them out!

Hey, I’m trying something new here at Smash or Trash. I want to try doing movie review video vlogs. I think this may be an entertaining way of doing the independent movie reviews. The first one I’m doing is Timewarp Films DEAD HUNT – a very cool slasher movie. Give it a thumbs up, leave me a comment, let me know what you think!

Robert Longindependent filmmaker and creator of Smash or Trash Independent Filmmaking was recently interviewed on the Kate Show – an East Coast talk show (as well as being a Lee Doll Production).

Kate talks to Rob about his career and such highlights as working in Hollywood, Bubba Ho Tep, The Fixer, The Adventures of Louanna Lee, and the films of Don Dohler. It’s a fun recap of a creative person’s body of work.

Happy new years from Smash or Trash! To kick off the new year I have a few updates in hand, the biggest being that I have edited the first ten minutes of my interview with filmmaker Kevin Kangas. In this clip he is introduced and we get to talking about his first movie, a thriller called HUNTING HUMANS. Kevin is very honest and candid about the hurdles he faces making movies and it is always interesting getting his take on the good and the bad of this industry. More to come but give this a good watch!

Mike Vraney lr

It was sad news to learn that Mike Vraney – the creator of Something Weird Video – has died from cancer this January 2nd, 2014. Vraney became a custodian of obscure, strange wonderful movies and getting them back out to the paying public in video and DVD form. Thanks to him and his company, many independent filmmakers are getting another chance for people to discover their art. Mike, we appreciate your noble efforts, and the Smash or Trash crew send our condolences to your family, friends, and fans during this time.


I have a couple of new movie reviews up as well, the first being ALL AMERICAN ZOMBIE DRUG. It’s about a couple of stoner drug dealers that create a new drug that has – well – some bad effects. It stars one of the cast from THE BIG BANG THEORY. You can get to the review HERE.

Ben Schyan 01

Next up Ben Schyan co-wrote, produced and directed a movie called R & B No Contest: A Karaoke Saga. Schyan is a comedic actor that has appeared in such movies as DEAD HUNT and LIMITS TO AMBITION. The movie is about two young rappers that have to overcome the hurdles of gang members and nympho-maniacs in their quest to win the city-wide karaoke contest. You can read the review HERE.

nbe lr

Tennessee filmmakers Joseph Henson and Nathan Johnson took a break during the holidays, but are now back to finishing up the principle photography on their latest movie. The film is called THE NIGHT BEFORE EASTER, and is a throwback to 1980s slashers. A maniac dressed in a bunny suit is terrorizing a bunch of teenagers in an indoor storage complex. Look for it later this year out on DVD!

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It has been over three years, but the next episode of SMASH OR TRASH INDEPENDENT FILMMAKING is being edited together. The special guest  is filmmaker Kevin Kangas, and we could not be happier to have him on the show. We talk in depth about his films. Not too much will be cut from the interview (it’s that good) so it will be a long show altogether. Plus we will cover George Stover getting his lifetime achievement  award, Frank Lama will interview Jared Noe about the Red One camera, and we cover the gala premiere of the GARDEN OF HEDON. Here care of youtube is the first four minutes of the program. The viewer can get a feel for the type of production values we are reaching for this time out.

phase 2

James Cawley is a world-reknowned TOS Star Trek fan. He took that love and for the LAST 10 YEARS, he has been doing these tremendous Star Trek films by fans for fans called STAR TREK NEW VOYAGES. Tremendous stories with fantastic production values. Many of these films have even had stars from the original series make appearances on these shows. Jim, we here at Smash or Trash salute you and your cast and crew for 10 years of entertainment. Keep them coming!


Late June – early July Birthday wishes go out to a few great people in the indie film industry. Those include Les Bradley, Mitch Klein, and George Stover. A very happy birthday to these gentlemen and may they have many more.

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Danielle James

Hey! We wish Los Angeles filmmaker Edward L. Plumb a big happy birthday today. Edward is a producer on many, many gigs out in Hollywoodland and we wish him all the best. I want you to know that there is a present in the mail heading your way sir! May you have many more birthdays!

Yowza! I have been working on the new Smash or Trash Independent Filmmaking Television episode. This one will focus around the work of filmmaker Kevin Kangas (Hunting Humans, Fear of Clowns, Bounty). Here is a segment from the new show where some interviews were done at the 2012 World Premiere of Kangas’ GARDEN OF HEDON . Check it out!


A little while back we had podcaster Jon Cross interviewed on the site for being a hardcore Don Dohler fan, so we could find out what it was that he loved about Don’s films. Well now he is joined by fellow New York City Dohlerite and they talk all things Dohler and their love for the newer Timewarp Films movies. You can find that at this link HERE.

Stay creative!

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Merry Christmas from all of us at Smash or Trash. Enjoy the little note of holiday cheer!


The New England Dynamic Duo of Matt Farley and Charles Roxburgh have hit a home run with the new horror/comedy DON”T LET THE RIVERBEAST GET YOU. Watch the Creature From The Black Lagoon‘s ugly 3rd cousin take on the citizens of a small town. You can read the review HERE.

Leanna Chhamish products

The official Leanna Chamish merchandise is now available at cafepress. Mugs, t-shirts, buttons, and a hundred other items. Part of the proceeds go to a great cause – fighting for a cure for Alzheimers. Order yours today!

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I took time out to do a little teaser trailer of upcoming topics for the second episode of Smash or Trash TV. I need to line up lights, a camera or two and studio time. Also a guest host. Hopefully something can get started in January. Enjoy this short teaser and we’ll dive into the show in the near future.


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