Content? How about some new videos!!!
1 Comment Published January 7th, 2012 in Current News and Events, VideoKevin Kangas (Kangas Kahn Films,LLC) has posted a teaser to his upcoming film “Garden of Hedon.” This is a deleted scene (six minutes!) That delves into some of the wild mind warps that happen in this palace of debauchery. Look for yours truly (Robert Long) in a small part! Click on the image above to go to the video.
Like the show “American Horror Story?” Then you will like MALICE. Produced by Phillip Cook, this modern haunted house web series stars Brittany Martz, Rebekkah Johnson, Mark Hyde, Leanna Chamish and Matthew James Gulbranson. Coming January 15, 2012. Click on the image about to watch the trailer.
Outstanding quality and effects -superb!