Bloody hell, where have we been!?! Well, life got in the way (as usual) I got myself a full time job (finally). So, can I FINALLY get back to doing content? YES! There is SO much going on that I have not been able to get to – but that all changes NOW.
WE ARE NOW ON PATREON!!!!! Now you can become a subscriber and a patron and get some neat perks for doing so. We here at Smash or Trash have a ton of ideas and a ton of content that hasn’t been released. The plan is to upload video content once a week (to YouTube), and upload blog content every two weeks. With an influx of steady monthly donations we can get the interviews, the reviews and the how-to articles up faster and on a regular schedule. Get on over to our PATREON page and check out the perks. Thanks in advance for helping us creative indies!
I did a really quick test with the homemade green screen I built. I’ll be doing a how-to video on how I made it as a stand alone backdrop and the materials and steps that were taken. Just… TONS of content and videos coming soon, Soon, SOON! We’re excited and hope you are TOO!
A very special shout out to Jon Cross of the After Movie Diner podcast for being out very 1st PATREON supporter! Thanks Jon!
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