Seasons Greetings! The 2016 Wrap Up
0 Comments Published December 12th, 2016 in At The Movies, Current News and EventsMerry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Years! Wow, 2016 has been SOMETHING hasn’t it? Unfortunately a lot of beloved celebrities went on to their greater rewards this year. Sad times indeed. But, let’s focus on some new news and more uplifting things shall we?
The insanely talented actress Leanna Chamish has let me know a couple of very cool things going on in the independent filmmaking realm. The first up is that Phil Cook – creator of MALICE: the web series has released the first trailer for the new season of MALICE called EMERGENCE. It stars talented actress Brittany Martz. Check it out – it looks awesome!
Also, Leanna tells me that the Jimmy George/Chris LaMartina cult favorite WNUF: HALLOWEEN SPECIAL has shown up at DREADCENTRAL.COM. That is great! The article talks about the 13 greatest modern “retro” horror films – and WNUF is at #1! Check out the article!!!
Next up I have done an article on the day I spent with filmmakers Tom Griffith and David Geatty. These gentlemen you may know from the cult classic Don Dohler‘s THE ALIEN FACTOR. Well, they are teaming up to do an action/drama film called
Myles Hall: Honor Reclaimed. It is about a down-and-out homeless war vet that has to take on a gang of thieves that have killed his friend. The project is underway, but Tom and David want you to take a look at their page and leave a comment. If you feel charitable give them a few dollars to the production through their GoFundMe account. This is a fantastic project and you can get the details inside the article HERE.
On my part, I have been busy with working on a couple of behind-the-scenes videos that are Don Dohler related. The first being is that I am doing the behind the scenes interviews for Don Dohler’s GALAXY INVADER blu ray release. Look for it in 2017.
The next thing is that Mitch Klein is finishing up the effects on CRAWLER (looking good!) and I am wrapping up the behind-the-scenes making of. I think 2017 is going to be CRAWLER’s year!
So have a safe, wonderful holiday season. We have TONS of interviews and reviews coming up, and I have been talking to Frank Lama – we may relaunch Smash or Trash TV!
Please consider giving a few dollars toward the various independent projects out there. All independent filmmakers want to do is entertain you. Help make that possible!
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