Links, Missing Links, Chain Links
0 Comments Published March 15th, 2008 in About This Site, Current News and EventsWell, the site has officially been up for a week. I don’t feel too bad about what I have been able to get posted so far. Not bad for a guy that has to hold down a 9 to 5 as well. I know I give many kudos to Leanna Chamish, but I would also like to give a tremendous thanks to Screenwriter Mitch Klein, who has been acting as my web administrator. Without him, I would still be at step one, stumped. Believe me when I say Mitch is a valued member of this site!
I have nine links up and active in the links section. More to come in the following days. The how-to stuff is coming, I just need a few graphics per article and I am working on that. I hope you have enjoyed what has been posted so far, and hey – help me get the word out to other filmmakers. Thanks!
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