Current News and Events Archive



Hey! We have more movie reviews! First up is BLOOD SLAUGHTER MASSACRE, an independent horror slasher movie set in the 1980s. Let’s see how it fares shall we? You can find the review HERE.

invader 1992

Also, Hugh Robertson looks at Philip J. Cook’s sci fi thriller INVADER. Made for $160,000 in 1992, this is an incredible accomplishment. Let’s see what Hugh had to say about this cult movie. You can find the review HERE.

MM Campaign poster lores

Hey there! Please help back my new independent film. This is a suspense/thriller story that takes place in the mid 1980s in a wax museum. It has been my life long dream to do this movie, and there are some great perks for those that pledge at certain levels. I would be very appreciative as well if you can share this link with other movie fans too. The IndieGoGo campaign ends August 1st.


Robert Long/Filmmaker

John Gray actor

Sad news has come down from Wayne Shipley, the Producer/Director of One-Eyed Horse Productions. East Coast actor John Gray has passed on. Here is what Wayne had to say: “Actor John Gray passed away on May 11, 2015. John played the mayor in One-Eyed Horse, the judge in Day of the Gun, and was the host for two of our Tales of the Wild West docudramas: The Day the Aces Got Trumped, which was selected by the National Baseball Hall of Fame for archiving, and The Singletree Montana Bank Raid. HIs velvet bullfrog voice was pure music–commanding and comforting. He will be greatly missed.”

jeff herberger editor

East Coast videographer/editor Jeff Herberger is interviewed by Grass Valley about editing the independent Western DAY OF THE GUN. To download this cool article in PDF form, click HERE.


We also do a review of the fun horror anthology film HI-8, released by Wild Eye Releasing. Made by eight different SOV veterans, this is a must watch. Check out the review HERE.

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We hit April with a bang! The good folks of Wild Eye Releasing have sent a bevy of awesome independent horror films (some mixed in with others in the image above) and I am looking forward to reviewing them! I suspect that Phil Cook’s INVADER will be reviewed in the next couple of weeks as well.


First up from Wild Eye Releasing is SCREAM PARK with a fantastic cameo by Hellraiser‘s Doug Bradley. Smash or Trash give it good marks! You can read the review HERE.


We also have the last in the trilogy of ENDLIGHT ENTERTAINMENT’s Ninja movies, NINJAS VS MONSTERS. Talk about your fun party movie! Check out what we have to say about it HERE.

Will Haza

Hollywood comedian and actor WILL HAZA is guest starring in an episode of SPACE HOSPITAL. We’ve worked with Will a lot in independent films on the East Coast, and it’s great to see him active in Los Angeles! Check out the episode HERE. He also hosts a hilarious comedy/improve podcast. You can catch all the episodes HERE.


Phil Cook’s MALICE closes it’s 3rd season on an extremely high note. Check out the season finale starring the incredible Brittany Martz HERE.


Filmmaker Wayne Shipley hits it out of the park again with his independent western DAY OF THE GUN, starring Eric Roberts. You can read the movie review HERE.

Gory Graduation

Independent Filmmakers Joseph Henson and Nathan Johnson have an indiegogo campaign going for their next slasher, GORY GRADUATION. You can give to their campaign HERE.


Filmmaker Kevin Kangas talks about the new movie TERRORTORY and also speaks about looking for Christmas themed horror shorts for an upcoming horror anthology. All this in an article over at HORRORTALK.


Happy birthday to Smash or Trash! Wow! Seven years people – seven years! What a ride it’s been so far. This started out as a book project that I wrangled (duped) the incredibly talented Leanna Chamish into helping me with. Well, all this time later Leanna is still speaking to me (showing what a huge heart she has) and I have had the incredible help from Mitch Klein, Les Bradley, Frank Lama, Hugh Robertson and Judy Furlow Grannas as well. Thank you so much everyone! And of course a huge thanks to all the people that patronage the site. May we have many, many more years of news, reviews, how-to’s, and interviews!


Superb actor and fantastic person all around LEONARD NIMOY passed away on February 27th, 2015. I was lucky enough to see him in person when I was six years old; a wonderfully warm human being. In 2015, I plan to take a close look at some Star Trek fan films by the likes of John Cosentino, Jimm and Joshua Johnson, and James Cawley. Mr. Nimoy was a huge part of the Star Trek universe, and his presence has influenced many, many low budget independent filmmakers. May we honor your memory when these films are discussed Mr. Nimoy. Rest In Peace sir.


We lost a friend and fellow filmmaker in early February of 2015. Timothy Preston Davis had a long career as a makeup effects person on the East Coast, and was a tremendous friend and collaborator to those in the movie business. We have set up a dedication page for Tim that will have ongoing new photos and tributes added to celebrate this incredible man’s career, history and life. You can find the tribute page HERE.


Intrepid movie reviewer Hugh Robertson takes a look at a screener that was sent to us. We got in a independent supernatural horror movie from Great Britain called THE WHISTLER, and you can check out Hugh’s thoughts on the movie HERE.

Okay everyone – enjoy the stuff that has been posted and let’s all dig into a piece of cake!

Don and Joe

Joe Sherlock – prolific filmmaker. Pictured above with independent filmmaker Don Coscarelli. What has been happening with Oregon’s Dr. Squid? Let’s find out from the man himself:

“DREAMWALKERS was a fantasy movie I shot, acted in and co-edited with my buddy John Bowker (the writer/director) way back in 1997. A small run of VHS was made for cast and crew, but the movie was never officially released. John has allowed me to make this fantasy movie available on a custom-burned to-order DVD-R and you can get all the details HERE.

The DIMENSION OF BLOOD/MONSTER IN THE GARAGE/CRIMSON HEATHER triple feature I put out a couple of years back got some of my earliest shot-on-video stuff available, but when Crimson Heather first came out on VHS, it was paired with my vampire comedy LUST OF THE VAMPIRE HOOKERS. That VHS release has long been sold out, but now for those who want it, I am also making LUST OF THE VAMPIRE HOOKERS available as a custom- burned-to-order DVD-R, as well. Email me at for ordering details.

I’ve been putting together a photo album over on facebook called COOL KIDS, featuring a bunch of people holding up movies they have picked up from me over the years. If you want to email me a pic of yourself showing off one of my flicks, I may just add it to the album! Check it out HERE.


The bloody, body count b-movie BLOOD CREEK WOODSMAN, is now available! Just go HERE and click on the “buy the dvd here” link!

My new weird sci-fi horror flick ODD NOGGINS is now available and I put together a bunch of “odd packs” that you can get with the DVD including other DVDs, photos and even props from the movie! Check it all out HERE.

Check out my year-end wrap up blog post.

That’s all for now (isn’t that enough?!)!

– Joe aka Dr. Squid”

Dr Squid


Gene Crowell has been involved with independent films for a couple of decades now. In 1999, he and a few friends made a documentary about the locations used in the BLAIR WITCH PROJECT. Here’s what he told me in his own words: “Our video was shot in 1999 and features the only in camera interview with the then mayor of Burkittsville and a full top to bottom tour of the Rustin Parr house! Which was demolished years ago. The films production designer Ben Rock said we had the best house footage he’s ever seen!” Let’s face it – that’s pretty super awesome. Why not go to YouTube and “Thumbs Up” this video? Super rare – super cool!

Don birthday

January 27th is a day we at Smash or Trash always celebrate; it’s D.I.Y filmmaker Don Dohler‘s birthday! This site is dedicated to Don’s memory, and all the people he influenced whom are now in the movie biz. This day, why not pop one of Don’s movies into your DVD player and give it a spin? Or, go over to Smash or Trash’s CafePress store and pick up some Don Dohler merchandise? Part of the proceeds go towards cancer research!



Ninjas vs Monsters is FINALLY available for pre-order! Head to to order yours now, and look out for us on VOD starting on 2/3/15!

Gutterballs 2

Double the gore, double the sex, double the balls…help BBK kill again in Gutterballs 2: Balls Deep! IndieGoGo campaign HERE!


Dr. Les Bradley pointed me to a really cool website for the independent film THE FRAME. Check it out and pick up this production by moviemaker Jamin Winans!

Bucket of Blood

Independent Film Actress Melissa LaMartina (WNUF, Call Girl of Cthulhu) has turned director. She is bringing to Baltimore Roger Corman‘s A BUCKET OF BLOOD to the stage! Here’s the scene:

Bussing tables at a hip coffee joint, Walter Paisley just wants to be somebody. When a fatal accident gives Walter the perfect canvas to work on, he seizes the opportunity to slip in among the local art elite. Now, the pressure is on for his latest masterpiece.

And this time, Walter’s drawing blood…

Combining caustic social commentary with the darkest of dark comedy, Corman’s 1959 film A BUCKET OF BLOOD sculpts low art into high concept and packs a punch of both gasps and giggles.

Now, Yellow Sign Theatre puts you in the scene with a live adaptation of this biting social satire.

The question is: Can you dig it?

Show dates: February 19 – 22, February 26 – March 1, and March 5 – 8

Tickets: $15 at the door, $12 in advance. Click HERE for the details!