At The Movies Archive
December End of 2015 Year Post
0 Comments Published December 25th, 2015 in At The Movies, Current News and EventsEnd of the year update here at the site. There are a couple of reviews that have been put up. We liked both of them! The first one is CALL GIRL OF CTHULHU by Midnight Crew Studios. The link to the review is HERE.
The next review is QUEEN CRAB brought to you by Brett Piper and Mark Polonia from Wild Eye Releasing. We liked this one too. Very much an updated version of the type of movies Roger Corman made in the 1950s. Check out the review HERE.
TIMEWARP FILM’s (Don Dohler and Joe Ripple) CRAWLER is winding down and should be finished in early 2016. Good, there is light at the end of the CRAWLER tunnel!
Filmmaker Kevin Kangas has been busy with a new movie called TERRORTORY. Here is the trailer.
For those of you into STAR WARS, indie filmmaker Phil Cooke has done a 14 minute fan film. You’ll find it HERE. The special effects are great!
Here’s the video that gave James Cameron his start in the movie biz back in 1978.
So we wrap up 2015. See you in 2016!
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0 Comments Published October 11th, 2015 in At The Movies, Current News and EventsHAPPY HALLOWEEN! HEY! WE ARE BACK! Sorry – real life has gotten in the way of fun life, but I do have a mega update for all you indie guys and gals out there. Let’s get right into it, shall we?
You know you have made it when you are featured in FANGORIA Magazine. Don Dohler has been featured in it, Kevin Kangas has appeared in it, and now filmmakers Chris LaMartina and Jimmy George have made it to the front cover! Yes, you have to look beyond the awesome T & A of Elvira, but there is a really great article on their movie CALL GIRL OF CTHULHU. I watched this freaking fun movie recently, so be looking for a review of it soon. It was great to see Baltimore legends George Stover and Leanna Chamish get some really juicy roles in this one. Get this issue!
Speaking of filmmaker Kevin Kangas, this prolific independent filmmaker has come out with a fantastic new book on the celebration of the holiday HALLOWEEN. Read this book and you’ll remember why Halloween is the greatest holiday of all! The History! Urban Legends! Vintage Candy and Costume Ads! Rare photos! Size is 8.5″ x 11″, 180 pages, full color. Pick this up HERE!
The cool people at WILD EYE RELEASING have sent along some really fun movies for us to review here at Smash or Trash, and for October we have three horror related DVDs that we go over. Guest reviewer Hugh Robertson takes us through a unique viewing experience with NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD REANIMATED.
Next is a retro grindhouse treat called THE DISCO EXORCIST. A womanizing disco dancer has to take on the devil when a curse befalls a porn star he is in love with. Set in the late 1970s this horror comedy is a lot of fun! Read about it HERE.
We also get a found footage film in the vein of THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT with the Ireland lensed THE PIGMAN MURDERS. Eight people go on a trek across the rough county side only to encounter a sadistic group of killers hell bent on killing them. Not bad at all. You can check out the review HERE.
Filmmaker Lisa Mikitarian is producing a film noir dramedy by the name of SPENT. Yours truly is doing the poster for it as well as some opening credit animation. You can find out more about the movie HERE.
Boots and Bubbly ” A Tribute to Wayne Shipley”
The Chesapeake Arts Center presents a special evening in honor of Director & Educator Wayne Shipley. The evening celebrates the history of Wayne’s career as a Teacher, a past President of the Northern Anne Arundel County Chamber of Commerce, an Actor, Legendary Racer, and Director.
Boots and Bubbly
“A Tribute To Wayne Shipley”
Saturday, October 24, 2015
in the Hammonds Lane Theatre
6:00pm-7:00pm VIP reception
7:00pm Doors | 7:30pm
Tribute Tickets:$30.00-Reception and Tribute
$15.00-Tribute Only
Like STAR WARS? “We’ve been producing another Malice in space special. This one set in a Star Wars universe. It’s called Malice Wars. Any way. Here’s the trailer which we posted last week. We’re proud that it has recieved over 10,000 views. Please support, share and like. We can only grow with dear friends like you.
Phil Cook”
0 Comments Published July 14th, 2015 in At The Movies, Current News and Events
Hey! We have more movie reviews! First up is BLOOD SLAUGHTER MASSACRE, an independent horror slasher movie set in the 1980s. Let’s see how it fares shall we? You can find the review HERE.
Also, Hugh Robertson looks at Philip J. Cook’s sci fi thriller INVADER. Made for $160,000 in 1992, this is an incredible accomplishment. Let’s see what Hugh had to say about this cult movie. You can find the review HERE.
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0 Comments Published May 22nd, 2015 in At The Movies, Current News and Events, InterviewsEast Coast videographer/editor Jeff Herberger is interviewed by Grass Valley about editing the independent Western DAY OF THE GUN. To download this cool article in PDF form, click HERE.
We also do a review of the fun horror anthology film HI-8, released by Wild Eye Releasing. Made by eight different SOV veterans, this is a must watch. Check out the review HERE.
Two Reviews for the Price of One!!!
0 Comments Published April 9th, 2015 in At The Movies, Current News and EventsWe hit April with a bang! The good folks of Wild Eye Releasing have sent a bevy of awesome independent horror films (some mixed in with others in the image above) and I am looking forward to reviewing them! I suspect that Phil Cook’s INVADER will be reviewed in the next couple of weeks as well.
First up from Wild Eye Releasing is SCREAM PARK with a fantastic cameo by Hellraiser‘s Doug Bradley. Smash or Trash give it good marks! You can read the review HERE.
We also have the last in the trilogy of ENDLIGHT ENTERTAINMENT’s Ninja movies, NINJAS VS MONSTERS. Talk about your fun party movie! Check out what we have to say about it HERE.
Hollywood comedian and actor WILL HAZA is guest starring in an episode of SPACE HOSPITAL. We’ve worked with Will a lot in independent films on the East Coast, and it’s great to see him active in Los Angeles! Check out the episode HERE. He also hosts a hilarious comedy/improve podcast. You can catch all the episodes HERE.
Phil Cook’s MALICE closes it’s 3rd season on an extremely high note. Check out the season finale starring the incredible Brittany Martz HERE.
DAY OF THE GUN and Upcoming Independent Movies!
1 Comment Published March 28th, 2015 in At The Movies, Current News and EventsFilmmaker Wayne Shipley hits it out of the park again with his independent western DAY OF THE GUN, starring Eric Roberts. You can read the movie review HERE.
Independent Filmmakers Joseph Henson and Nathan Johnson have an indiegogo campaign going for their next slasher, GORY GRADUATION. You can give to their campaign HERE.
Filmmaker Kevin Kangas talks about the new movie TERRORTORY and also speaks about looking for Christmas themed horror shorts for an upcoming horror anthology. All this in an article over at HORRORTALK.
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2 Comments Published March 1st, 2015 in At The Movies, Current News and EventsHappy birthday to Smash or Trash! Wow! Seven years people – seven years! What a ride it’s been so far. This started out as a book project that I wrangled (duped) the incredibly talented Leanna Chamish into helping me with. Well, all this time later Leanna is still speaking to me (showing what a huge heart she has) and I have had the incredible help from Mitch Klein, Les Bradley, Frank Lama, Hugh Robertson and Judy Furlow Grannas as well. Thank you so much everyone! And of course a huge thanks to all the people that patronage the site. May we have many, many more years of news, reviews, how-to’s, and interviews!
Superb actor and fantastic person all around LEONARD NIMOY passed away on February 27th, 2015. I was lucky enough to see him in person when I was six years old; a wonderfully warm human being. In 2015, I plan to take a close look at some Star Trek fan films by the likes of John Cosentino, Jimm and Joshua Johnson, and James Cawley. Mr. Nimoy was a huge part of the Star Trek universe, and his presence has influenced many, many low budget independent filmmakers. May we honor your memory when these films are discussed Mr. Nimoy. Rest In Peace sir.
We lost a friend and fellow filmmaker in early February of 2015. Timothy Preston Davis had a long career as a makeup effects person on the East Coast, and was a tremendous friend and collaborator to those in the movie business. We have set up a dedication page for Tim that will have ongoing new photos and tributes added to celebrate this incredible man’s career, history and life. You can find the tribute page HERE.
Intrepid movie reviewer Hugh Robertson takes a look at a screener that was sent to us. We got in a independent supernatural horror movie from Great Britain called THE WHISTLER, and you can check out Hugh’s thoughts on the movie HERE.
Okay everyone – enjoy the stuff that has been posted and let’s all dig into a piece of cake!
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An Indie Review for Halloween: Varsity Blood (2014)
0 Comments Published October 5th, 2014 in At The Movies, Current News and EventsFor the month of October Smash or Trash is taking a look at the independent horror slasher VARSITY BLOOD. Written and directed by Jake Helgren and starring Debbie Rochon, Lexi Giovagnoli and Wesley Scott Click HERE to go to the review.
Guest Movie Reviews are Up for July!
0 Comments Published July 5th, 2014 in At The Movies, Current News and Events, Interviews
Hey everyone! We get a bevy of wonderful guest reviews for the beginning of July! We are proud to welcome back the New York Dohlerites Jon Cross and Nick Consol. These gentlemen give us the low down on Timewarp Films’ VAMPIRE SISTERS and DEAD HUNT. You can check out what these excellent guys have to say right HERE.
We are also honored to have celebrity podcaster Jamie D. Jenkins on board to talk to us about her thoughts on the Chris LaMartina/Jimmy George found footage movie WNUF HALLOWEEN SPECIAL. You can check out her awesome review HERE.
0 Comments Published June 15th, 2014 in At The Movies, Contests!, Current News and EventsCount Gore De Vol is showing a really cool movie short called BRIDE OF THE FLY by Russell U. Richards. It’s an excellent sci/fi horror comedy piece, and was done on Super 8mm film! Beyond that – all the effects are practical and there is no CGI. Richards took all the lessons he learned from Don Dohler‘s CINEMAGIC magazine to create and produce this film. Check it out HERE.
We had over 300 entries for the WNUF: HALLOWEEN SPECIAL DVD giveaway, and Adam Krause of Green Bay, WI is the winner! His copy of this great movie will be going out this week. Be looking for a new giveaway SOON!
We have new reviews! Guest reviewer Hugh Robertson gives us the low down on the kung fu action comedy ORDER OF ONE: KUNG FU KILLING SPREE. You can check out his review HERE.
I took on Joe Sherlock’s latest shocker called THE DRIFTER. I describe it as creepy and claustrophobic. Check out what I have to say about it HERE.
New York Dohlerites Nick Console and Jon Cross have been working on some in-depth reviews for Timewarp Films VAMPIRE SISTERS and DEAD HUNT, and I have started to get those rolling in! Can’t wait to post it. While we are waiting I would STRONGLY urge you to check out the numerous podcasts that Jon hosts and co-hosts. Besides being a devoted Don Dohler fan, Jon is both parts passionate and hilariously funny while he and his co-hosts and guests talk about B Movies, Action Movies, Independent Movies, Blockbusters, Comic Book Movies and damn near everything else under the sun. Check out this link, get to know Jon and check out his podcasts. You will not be disappointed! Click HERE to learn more!