Sloppy the Psychotic Clown (mini review of a sucky movie)
0 Comments Published March 2nd, 2013 in At The MoviesMini Review: Chemical Burn Entertainment is hit and miss. They have sent me tremendously cool movies to review, and they have sent some real crap as well. Sloppy the Psychotic is in the crap bin. The best thing about it is the cover and the copy that Chemical Burn came up for for this “film.” It claims to be a throwback to the cool low budget movies of the 1970s and 1980s. FALSE. It is a blatant cheap shot-on-video piece of dreck. The screener I got had a commentary with it and it is clear that the filmmakers are of the “this is no budget so we won’t take this seriously” camp. Apparently they HAVE made a film or two before, but this – SLOPPY – is the best they can come up with this time around. This movie is abysmal and if you want to watch a good killer clown movie, check out Killer Klowns from Outer Space or Fear of Clowns II. “Sloppy” will just steal 75 minutes of your life.
Shame on Chemical Burn Entertainment for releasing this. It screws the audience by serving them dreck, and it is a disservice to the filmmakers by not telling them “no, we won’t release this. You need to do much better than this.” Folks, go support peeps like Don Dohler, Joe Ripple, Kevin Kangas, Joe Sherlock, Wayne Shipley, Erik Kristopher Myers, Edward L Plumb, Lee Doll, John Bowker, Chris LaMartina and others that can do really really high quality movies on very little money.
My rating of “Sloppy?” – 0 out of 10
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