Crawling Along, Singing a Song…
0 Comments Published August 25th, 2013 in Contests!, Current News and Events
So, Mitch Klein and myself had a really good Crawler special effects work day these last couple of Saturdays. He was working on overcoming some hurdles on the creature itself (which he did) and I was finalizing some 36 visual effects shots I did for the film. It has been a couple of great weekends and the old enthusiasm was back. Problem solving and laughing was the rule of the day. There isn’t much I can say about when it will be done, but I can say that we are hard at work. Teamwork, enthusiasm and keeping each other inspired is what keeps people going. Plus, I know both Mitch and I are thankful for the support that we have been getting from folks on facebook lately. So, I hope we have have something in the near future to show (the creature is looking incredible – my illustration above doesn’t do it justice). Well below are some stills from the visual effects I’ve done for the film. I wish I could post more, but then we would be getting into spoiler territory. All hail the Don Dohler/Joe Ripple film!
Phillip J Cook – who gave us the critically acclaimed web series MALICE is looking to get Season 2 of the show into production. For those of you that have seen season one will remember that teenager Alice (Brittany Martz) had to fight the forces of the undead to save her family. Well Alice is ready to take on the forces of evil again and kick major ass. Cook has a Kickstarter campaign going on to raise the funds needed to get this season going! It has some great perks so give generously! Let’s make this happen!!!
Creative genius Matt Farley is on to his 4th or 5th professional motion picture endeavor called LOCAL LEGENDS. The movie traces the weird trip that it is trying to do independent horror movies and getting your product out there for the public to see. It is quirky, it’s fun and is done in the style of a Woody Allen black and white movie. I love it. The link HERE is the commentary track hosted by Matt Farley and podcaster Jon Cross (who appears in the movie). Both the movie with and wothout the commentary is available to view on Youtube and I STRONGLY urge all of you to check out this fun, insightful film.
Filmmaker Erik Kristopher Myers contacted me to tell me that his award-winning thriller ROULETTE will be coming out this November 19th. There will be a media event to go with this AND there will be word on Myer’s horror/comedy THE DEVIL’S PLAYTHINGS. Stay tuned for more information!
Our friend filmmaker Joe Sherlock was in a serious car accident recently. We here hope he is okay, and that all involve get a speedy recovery. Joe is also known as Dr. Squid and has been making movies for over a decade in the Oregon area. His latest is a slasher called the BLOOD CREEK WOODSMAN. We hope to hear more from Joe soon.
Lastly, my own script has been finished and registered I have been working on this story for years and can’t wait to get started on the production! More information coming very soon!
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