CRAWLER is Finally Available!!!
1 Comment Published September 15th, 2021 in At The Movies, Current News and Events
CRUNCH! There’s something out in the woods hunting human prey. It’s intelligent, evil, and very hungry. CRAWLER has fallen from the stars, and brings a path of destruction with him.

Crawler is a science fiction/horror movie that was finally completed. This is the final collaboration between Timewarp Films Producer Don Dohler and Director Joe Ripple. Main production shooting finished in 2003, but the special visual effects were completed in late 2019. It is now distributed on DVD through Alpha Video.

Anyone familiar with Don Dohler’s body of work will find CRAWLER fits right into it. A meteor crash lands in the suburbs of Baltimore. An intelligent creature emerges from the meteorite and begins to eat its way through the local population. Three U.F.O. fanatics clash with the military that have been sent to capture the creature before the mass populace gets wise. What follows is a blood bath.

This motion picture stars Justin Timpane (Ninjas vs Zombies), Darla Albornoz (Vampire Sisters), Daniel Ross (The Disney Channel) with cameo appearances from Dohler mainstays George Stover (Desperate Living), Richard Dyszel (Nightbeast), and Don Leifert (Fiend).
Timewarp Films had finished and premiered DEAD HUNT in the Spring of 2006. Shortly afterwards, Don Dohler was diagnosed with two forms of cancer. Before his death in early December of that year, Dohler had discussed what needed to be done to finish CRAWLER, with visual effects artist Mitch Klein.
Robert Long joined Mitch Klein in creating the visual effects to finish out the production. The reason it took over a decade to complete is that this is a low budget production and real life gets in the way. Family, jobs, personal emergencies, etc. get in the way. Plus the 3D software had to be updated after so many years… it got complicated. But at the end of it all, Mitch Klein and his visual effects team pulled through and completed the film in honor of Dohler’s memory.

The CRAWLER team are looking forward to reviews from such movie reviewers as Joe Bob Briggs, HorrorDNA, and The After Movie Diner… among others. The DVD contains the feature presentation, the trailer, a making of documentary, a Don Leifert tribute interview, and a couple of Easter eggs. It has monsters, boobs, gore, violence, and action! A must for any Don Dohler completist. Get it today!
…I’d like to see it…