Crawler coming? Yes!

Hello, hello, hello. So, I have been doing updates. WHAT??? Yes, I’ve been busy doing indie film stuff. I’m as shocked as you are. So CRAWLER… Crawler is coming – finally. The lockdown has been a pain in the ass and distribution has become even harder as many companies are working at half staff. So hopefully in a few months CRAWLER with be released on DVD. Not sure about streaming yet. More details as things get finalized, but the gears are finally in motion. After 18 years, Timewarp Films sci fi/horror movie will be available to the public. Stars Justin Timpane, Daniel Ross, and Darla Albornoz. While it won’t have a commentary track, we hope to have some fun extras on the disc. Joe Ripple and Don Dohler’s final team effort. Stay tuned.

I’m doing trailer reactions now…

I have tried to have a MUCH bigger footprint on Youtube, by doing segments for Smash or Trash Indie Filmmaking and Madhouse Manor. I’ve probably posted 20 new videos in the past year. Go check them out and like and subscribe, and ring the bell, and leave a comment. I’m trying to build my brand. Thanks in advance.

John Cosentino’s PARAGON’S PARAGON

After 47 years, John Cosentino’s Star Trek fan film PARAGON’s PARAGON has been uploaded to Youtube. only 30 minutes of the 100 minute film, but it’s the most that has been seen of this production in decades. This film was featured heavily in Don Dohler’s Cinemagic Magazine, and is considered the holy grail of lost fan films. You can read about my restoration of the film HERE.

One of the FX shots for MONSTER PLANET

The last thing I’ll update on is that I’ve been doing some practical effects to help some friends finish their movie short MONSTER PLANET. Started in 1992, As the 30th anniversary of this is approaching, it’s time to get this sucker done! I plan to do a few videos on how I created the effects for this zero budget production in the future. The short stars Barry Murphy, Ann Frith, George Stover, Mitch Klein, Steve Rifkin and many, many others from the Baltimore area. – That’s all for now. Stay safe, and I hope to meet with some of you at some upcoming conventions. Take care.

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